The Chapel | Sermons
Welcome to the weekly audio podcast for The Chapel in Lincoln Park, NJ. Our mission is to build a family of Christ-followers who love God, love people and serve the world. Visit us at thechapel.org.
Podcasting since 2014 • 553 episodes
The Chapel | Sermons
Latest Episodes
Appeal to Scripture
As witnesses to Christ, why should we appeal to Scripture? In "Appeal to Scripture," Pastor Dave Gustavsen unpacks this vital question, showing how Scripture helps people make sense of their stories; makes Jesus the main point, and finally, cal...

Expect Opposition
Opposition to our faith is inevitable and has existed for thousands of years. In “Expect Opposition”, Pastor Paul Klouse reminds us not only to expect opposition but to be prepared, equips us with practical steps to face it, and encourages us w...

Chapel Kids Sunday
In "Chapel Kids Sunday," Pastor Dave Gustavsen explores the question: Why should I invest in the lives of kids? Teaching from Matthew 18 and 19, he highlights how children teach us humility, worship, and faith. At the same time, kids need us to...