The Chapel | Sermons
Welcome to the weekly audio podcast for The Chapel in Lincoln Park, NJ. Our mission is to build a family of Christ-followers who love God, love people and serve the world. Visit us at thechapel.org.
The Chapel | Sermons
The Chapel NJ
Perhaps at some point in your life, you’ve been in a position where you needed an advocate? Maybe in a courtroom, where somebody stepped up and helped plead your case? In the final message of this series, Pastor Dave Gustavsen shares how this “Advocate” makes all the difference! Without an advocate, we can get stuck and never move “from here to there,” missing out on the best of what God has in store for us.
Dave Gustavsen | August 29, 2021
#thechapel #thechapelnj #onlinechurch #churchonline #help #mediator #advocate #helper
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