The Chapel | Sermons
Welcome to the weekly audio podcast for The Chapel in Lincoln Park, NJ. Our mission is to build a family of Christ-followers who love God, love people and serve the world. Visit us at thechapel.org.
The Chapel | Sermons
Crossing the Bridge
The Chapel NJ
God calls us to “cross bridges” and engage with those who are different from us, whether geographically, culturally, generationally, or politically. In “Crossing the Bridge,” Pastor Dave reminds us that we should do this not to impress others, but to please God and lovingly share the gospel and our lives. As we obediently step out of our comfort zones and cross these bridges, we will not only eternally impact those we serve, but we will find ourselves deeply impacted and transformed in the process as well. Dave Gustavsen | November 10, 2024
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